

Born on 07.02.2023

Enola has given birth to 7 healthy puppies. All black.

On 07.02.2023 Enola gave birth to 6 puppies and one by caesarean section the next day.

Unfortunately the first born female (pink ribbon) had a few teething problems. She was born on our couch. She was very petite and the lightest.
After she was born, Enola moved into the whelping box with the puppy. Then came the other puppies. Enola did a great job weaning the puppies. There were no problems. In the late afternoon all 6 puppies were there. Enola took great care of the puppies.

The next day I had a strange feeling in my stomach. Enola was panting at times and I had the feeling that something was wrong. So I called the vet and was told to come in with her.

After the vet had x-rayed Enola, we knew what was wrong. There was still a puppy inside. This meant that Enola would have to have a caesarean section. The puppy, a black male, unfortunately didn’t make it. Enola survived the caesarean section very well and I was able to pick her up again after 3 hours.

The first-born bitch had difficulty finding the teats, so I always put her on. However, Enola always put them to one side. But she put on weight, so I always helped. Unfortunately, she died on 11.02.2023 because Enola lay down completely. Unfortunately, all resuscitation measures did not help.

  • Amina von Burgdamm ( stayed with us )
  • Aldo von Burgdamm
  • Asmo von Burgdamm
  • Azrael von Burgdamm ( called Alfred )
  • Ando von Burgdamm ( Deceased due to accident )